Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Down again..


Mann, i dunno.. im just feelin depressed again... everythin just sucks right now...

i barely know anyone here, and any possibility of a social life depends on my mastery of the local dialect, since the locals arent ever gonna be even remotely keen on learning English.. atleast not in this decade..

i dunno where im going with my career.. ive resumed workin with dad for now, and there's hopefully hopefully some plans in the works, but i really dont feel like talking bout em since i) i dun wanna jinx em, and ii) it'll make me feel just THAT much worse if i talk about em n they dont happen... i guess i'll write bout em here once its confirmed...

Nothin's particularly happened to get me down all of a sudden.. i guess its just a sudden realization of a few facts... the realization that it all just seems to be tumbling downhill for me, right now... and wuts worse is i dun know who to talk to bout it.. cuz it doesnt seem like support's comin from anywhere.. i guess at these times men come to realize the one true fact: you really are alone in this world, after all...

oh well... if u find urself going thru this post, i sincerely hope you dont let it get u down... i guess this happens to me every once in a while...

i tend to get depressed... REALLY depressed... moody, and easily irritated... not to mention, sometimes repetitive..

i also tend to get REALLY depressed... oh wait i already mentioned that...

ah well... gotta go on somehow.. on my own...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not on your own yaar...no one ever is. Whenever u feel this way just remember God from the bottom of ur heart and you'll feel so much better. And trust me things will turn around one day just hang in there :)