Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Revelation of the day

I got back to the gym last week... Tried this new compound exercise workout... Frikkin awesome.. I'm hoping it'll help strengthen my body for capoeira..

Neways, this is all I could lift on each of the exercises:

Clean and Press: 40kgs
Squat: 50kgs
Barbell Pullover: 20kgs
Bench Press: 40kgs
Good Morning: 20kgs
Barbell Bicep Curl: 20kgs

So wuts the revelation?? I'm frikkin weak...

But that'll change soon enough


Anonymous said...

my ultimate goal is to do chin ups. wonder if my skinny arms can do it :P

Diego said...

oh im pretty sure u can do it. its just a matter of practise n time. go for it :)