Thursday, March 22, 2007

Blocked: Blogspot!!!

NOO!!! This is.. stupid.. no its not just stupid, its INFURIATING!!

ISPs in China (or atleast the ones in my region) have once again decided to use their proxies ever so efficiently in blocking Blogspot blogs... Add this to the already blocked and blogs, and u get the idea where these ppl are going... Not to mention Google was at one point prevented access to (users still aren't allowed access to ALL of google's facilities either.. e.g. Google Video)... i wonder wuts next.. YouTube, i bet..

What is it with this country's government? Are we not allowed to express freely our opinions? I understand if the ban is imposed upon their own citizens, but to restrict foreigners from doing the same... arrrghhh, i cant even begin to comprehend the situation... I'm willing to bet money that the only reason Google has been allowed access to is cuz they realized how beneficial it can be in promoting China's business activities... Screw it ALL, I say!!! I wouldnt be here if I had the choice, n I wouldnt think twice about leaving...

P.S. Check this out... ur denied access to sites, but strangely enough, I have no issues logging in to and accessing my Dashboard... so basically, that means I can freely express my opinions and thoughts, but I cant go back later and review them????? :S

all i can say is... Thank God for Anonymous Surfing!!! ;)

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