Tuesday, April 17, 2007

At a loss for words... for ONCE!!!

Take a look at the following:

1) Explain the reasons why you have chosen to apply to this particular Programme (100 words max)

2) Describe how you can contribute to the programme and your fellow participants in class (200 words max)

3) Describe a situation or experience that demonstrates your leadership ability or potential. The situation or experience does not necessarily have to be related to your current job. (300 words max)

4) Describe a failure you encountered and how you handled it professionally and personally. (300 words max)

These r 4 questions I recently had the pleasure of musing over.. Why would I submit myself to such torture, u ask?? Cuz they're part of the application process for admission into a respected uni...

My only problem is this:


- Wouldnt I want to keep my reasons for doing something like that private? Or do u just wanna make sure I'm doing this for 'the right reasons'?

- What self- pitying, insufferable moron would enjoy recounting past professional/personal failures to regale over pints of alcohol to potential future lecturers/professors/e.t.c.?

- If i was able to demonstrate sufficient leadership abilities n potential, would I be applying to your program in the first place???

- Contribute to the programme?? Errmm.. isnt it the programme that's sposed to be contributing to me???

Neways, frustrations aside, I managed to compose my final responses earlier this evening, and posted them via the online application system.

I guess I may post up my answers here sometime in the near future, when I am sufficiently assured that they will not be potential cause for future embarassment (read: when Pigs can Fly!!!)

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