Sunday, April 22, 2007

Capoeira Para Vida!!

Here's somethin for my capoeirista friends to absorb...

I was browsing thru Capoeira: The Roots of the Dance-Fight-Game (by Nestor Capoeira) earlier today, n came upon the following:

Menino quem te fez?
Boy, who formed you?
Quem te deu tanta quarida,
Who gave you so much shelter,
Quem te moustrou a beleza,
Who taught you the beauty,
De dancar dentro da briga?
Of dancing within the fight?

- 'Au' by Ronaldo Santos

Kinda subtly captures the essence of capoeira doesnt it?? I found it in a chapter pertaining to the concept of Malicia, so I guess it sorta gives off hints of the sly aspects of capoeira, n what games can turn to within the roda...

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