Thursday, April 05, 2007


I'm waiting for something...
Waitin ever so patiently...
Yet I dont know exactly what it is I'm waiting for...
I don't even know if what I'm waiting for will come to me...
I dont know if leaving what I have right now wud be throwing away the opportunity of a lifetime...
I dont know if I CAN leave what I have right now...

What I DO know, is that I'm sick of waiting for things...
I'm sick of waiting for things to happen to me...
Sick of waiting for things to come to me...
Sick of worryin sick bout possibly throwing away the opportunity of a lifetime...
Sick of worrying about the future...

I'm sick of being told to adapt to the circumstances n modify my strategy...

I say 'To Hell with circumstances!!! It's time to start creating opportunities n start taking some chances!!!'

That felt better... slightly....

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